Are the parents to blame?
There was a bleak accident that kill a 14 year old cheerleader over the weekend within Saint Petersburg Florida. The driver was a 15 year aged that only have a permit which states he must own a legal licensed driver surrounded by the passengers form and his...
Are they not tuition nation to administer opening these days?
If a car is parked on YOUR side of the road YOU want to give path! Are they not teaching this at Driving School anymore because nobody seem to do it!
Are tie downs over a vehicle undamaging?
We are traveling back from Florida to Virginia, and we ended up near a lot more things to bring back home. Instead of getting a stowage carrier on top of our SUV, my husband suggested we a moment ago tie down the suit cases with tie...
Are traffic law applicable to CA public roads and highway apply to private parking lots? What's your justification?
A collision ocurred inside a private parking lot (within CA). Vehicle # 1 was coming out of a "T intersection lane" (making a right turn), whille vehicle # 2 be passing through the principal or through lane. Who has the right of road? There...
Are within any comparison reports done on the technology available to exterminate SUV's flipside blind spot?
Known Technologies: 1. Rear Lens, 2. Backup camera (wired and wireless), 3. Rear mirrors My own understanding on this issue: While flipside lens provides the most economical way and requires the tiniest installation of eliminating the blind spot, both backup camera and flipside mirrors provide better...
Are within any rules of the road surrounded by the Philippines ?
There is no drivers manual , no signs surrounded by most places and drivers drive or point their car at destination and simply blow horn next to seemingly to get others out of their path . Can you expound on this ?
Are within statistics indicating that carpoolers are safer drivers than single-occupant drivers?
I'm creating a rideshare platform for the concert industry. Not only would wadding some of those empty places reduce smog, congestion, and fuel consumption, but it would also create opportunity for increasing social capital. I would also resembling to show that ridesharing is a...
Are women drivers a menace on our roads,or is this a myth.Also is it true that driving standards and courtesy?
have plummeted,if so why.
Are Xenon Krypton Lights private within California?
I bought "8500K H.I.D Xenon Krypton Headlights" a few days ago and i was wondering, is it illegal to use it or what? Ive hear something about illegal lights becaus they are a bit strong, any clues? I live surrounded by Glendale, California. ...
Are You A Safe or Bad Driver or Have You Seen Bad Driving Habits?
Describe your safe or unpromising driving habits Describe what you enjoy seen as a "driving doomed to failure habits" from other drivers
Are you allowed (legally) to put parcels on cars.?
underneath the windscreen wiper - or is it open to accusations of smash up to cars? The reason I am asking is that a local resident / vigilante by our local school, keep putting letters on the cars, as the parents are dropping their kids...
Are you allowed to check out of a vehical within a lane of traffic on a 4 lane roadway unattended?
someone left a broke down vehical contained by the road and I hit it. Left it in one lane of 4 lane of traffic.
Are you allowed to ride the electric wheelchairs at stores?
Like if you are just common and say you hold leg problems would they let you? Have you ever rode one?
Are you aware that driving on the departed is safer for most family?
When changing gear surrounded by a UK car beside the steering wheel on the right , this is logically correct in the UK etc for driving on the left--------your vanished hand change gear and your right hand stays on the steering joystick, (this is safer for right...
Are you contented near your roads?
Some roads l drive on are really poor, and seem to be getting worst.. the infrastructure seem to be contained by a state of neglect.l pay road import it spent on roads?
Are you feed up beside LLL's? (Left lane lunkheads!) Are you one of them? Hope not.?
You have most feasible seen them. They drive surrounded by the left lane at 2-5 mph smaller number then the speed restriction. When they come to a hill they in actual fact speed up as they move into the SLOW traffic lane. Then when you get...
Are you guilty of this?
I have be driving since the eighties and have never be the cause of catastrophe (though I have be hit a few times). It never ceases to amaze me next to the number of times people go amiss to indicate where they are going. Mostly when doing...
Are you looking for a fresh sports car?
Before buying a new car would you guys and gals please please please read the safekeeping ratings on the car that you buy. Especially if it's for a family applicant or a loved one. What constitutes a safe car is totally counterintuitive. The...
Are you one of the stupid citizens that walk within the middle of the road while cars are coming?
I'm always seeing some idiot walking within the middle of the road, after school is agree to out. They're completely oblivious to the fact that inhabitants are actually trying to DRIVE doing a tour. The very road they're WALKING right within the middle of. I really want...
Are you the root why speed bumps be invented?
I know I am! ( ^ _ ^ ) I'm surprised that my car doesn't have a bazillion dents contained by it by now! : ) Go Honda!
Aren't pedestrians surrounded by India safer if they tramp on 'right' foot side of the road?
Pedestrians are walking on 'left' hand side of the road cannot see the vehicle coming from behind and cannot without delay step away from rash driving. Please lecture your children.
As far as I can transmit, automobile crash test are divided into category - one for subcompacts, one for significant?
sedans, one for SUVs. That info. is partially adjectives, but where can I also find comparisons between the largest SUVs and the smallest cars?
Asda parking fines?
asda has decided to fine ancestors that use disabled or mum and baby spaces. i do think it is o.k to reserve spaces for them,but i consider asda has gone on an authoritarian trip. who is going to enforce the fine, what if the shopper...
Asians are fruitless drivers!!! yes or no?
your opinion...i believe yes, especially women. I am not stereotypical it is basically the truth.
Aside from vehicle key near chips inside, is it possible for "old-fashioned car" key to work within a similar model/make?
Ok, I am not talking about the up-to-the-minute cars. Cars from like 1970/80s, of all the make of cars and types of keys, is it possible that two cars have impossible to tell apart key? For example, My great grandfather uses his old saloon key...
At what age can you move a child out of a 5 point saloon form to a moment ago a booster?
My son is 2 and a half but he's almost 38 inches elevated and weighs something like 37 lbs. Seems like the should straps are getting too tight within his current car-seat on the loosest setting.
At what age contained by MA can i start driver's ed? and other driving.. stuf?
i heard the rules be changed for people born after 1991 im presently 15 as of october when can i start driver's ed? and when can i get a grant, liscense, and what are the rules as for being competent to drive at night and driveing...
At what age should my granddaughter own booster form?
my granddaughter is now 5 and i would close to to know when i can take out carseat for her is she to enjoy booster seat
At what age/weight is it okay for a child not to use a carseat or booster form?
I have a 3.5 year old and we're out of room for saloon seats! When can we move him?!
At what road order do I involve to turn my wheel into the curb?
On Thanksgiving, a lonely police officer ticketed all of my neighbors and me for dud to turn our front wheels into the curb. We live within Washington, DC where it is mostly flat, and the road we be parked on was flat. There is...
Sources: I. Videos Gone Viral, II. Laws and Order, III. The Tech Fanatic
Kai, Hatchet Wielding Hitchhiker
11 years ago
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