Sunday, December 13, 2009

Drivers Beware

It seems as if every town and/or city has certain sections in it where the police officers hide out. Not only this, but police officers in various towns are almost notorious for snagging people while they are speeding, tailgating or doing other unlawful things while operating a motor vehicle. Why, therefore, do we become so enraged and upset with law enforcement officials? After all, aren't they simply trying to ensure that we remain safe on the roadways?

Having been a former police officer, I can assure you that most police officers have other drivers' best interests in mind. Some of the worst calls that I had to respond to when I was a police officer were the ones in which someone was hurt because of a drunk driver or because they were driving while drunk. Other calls were related to domestic violence issues. No matter how safe of a driver you think you are, there is always someone out there behind the whee of a vehicle who probably shouldn't be driving at all. These are the people that you have to be looking out for.

When I am driving, I typically follow the speed limit and am constantly checking my mirrors to be aware of my surroundings and other drivers. I have found that, over time, the people who are most concerned with police officers and law enforcement officials are the ones who are most commonly breaking the law. For instance, if you simply follow the speed limit, then you shouldn't have a problem with worrying about whether a police officer is going to pull you over for speeding, right? Similarly, if you are doing the speed limit but have someone tailgating you, if you are extremely concerned about your own safety, then slow down to allow them to pass you. If you still feel threatened and it's at night, call the police but never pull your car over to allow them to pass because you never know what actions they may take against you.

Driving is dangerous enough because there is mother nature that we have to deal with in addition to wild animals crossing the road in front of our cars, not to mention technology failing us when something goes wrong with our vehicle while we are driving. That being said, your full attention always needs to be split between what you are doing versus what other people around you are doing. The next time you feel the urge to dislike what it is the police officers are or aren't doing in the area that you live in, remember that the law enforcement officials are there to help you and I stay safe while driving on the road. Also, remember that whenever you have a serious problem that may or may not be life threatening, nine times out of ten, they're the ones you call, and they are also the first ones to respond, never hesitating to help you. For this reason, you should do your part to maintain everyone's safety on the roadways.

Sources: I. Videos Gone Viral, II. Laws and Order, III. The Tech Fanatic